Page 5 - PPWP 700_PART 1_FINAL
P. 5


              Programme Map for Qualification

                    Leading and                                       Leading and
                    Managing a                                        Managing
                    School as         Professional    Professional    People and
                    Organisation      Portfolio and  Portfolio and    Change
                                       Workplace      Workplace
                                       Research        Research
                                         project        project

                                   Professional         Professional
                                   Portfolio and        Portfolio and
                                    Workplace            Workplace
                     Leading and     Research             Research      Working
                     Managing         project              project      within and
                     Teaching                                           for the
                     and Learning                                       Community

              Modules per semester:

              Semester 1:
              Professional portfolio and workplace project (PPWP 700)

              Leading and managing a school as an organisation (Code LMSO

              Semester 2:
              Professional portfolio and workplace project (PPWP 700)

              Leading and managing of people and change (Code LMPC 711)

              Semester 3:                                                                            E
              Professional portfolio and workplace project (PPWP 700)                                D           Professional portfolio and workplace project - Part 1
              Leading and managing teaching and learning in a school (Code                           U   © Copyright reserved
              LMTL 712)                                                                              T

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