Page 27 - PPWP 700_PART 1_FINAL
P. 27
The following icons are used in the Learning guide in order to
provide you with visual ‘signposts’ giving clear signals of what is
expected of you. You will soon become used to recognising each
icon and the message it conveys.
Stop and think
Whenever you see this icon, you should consider the
issues / challenges presented.
This suggests crucial questions / issues / problems that
you need to be able to answer / respond to / solve
when you have completed this unit or subunit.
Time allocation
This icon indicates the approximate time the average
student would need to complete the following activity. It
is a rough estimation.
Here you are required to perform some kind of activity,
based on the previously discussed problem, scenario,
issue, case study etc. It will help you to apply what you
have learnt. It can be an individual or group activity.
This icon indicates the writer’s comments or tutorial
advice on a particular activity or piece of text. These
comments should never be read before you have
completed the preceding activity, since your opinion
may be completely different from the writer’s and still
be acceptable. The facilitation will ensure that the E
activity served its purpose. Here you can expect the D
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