Page 50 - PPWP 700_PART 1_FINAL
P. 50

Theme 1

                                 The evidence you include in your portfolio must meet these
                                 requirements for it to be considered in judging your competence.
                                 Keep this table with the notes you have started collecting for your
                                 portfolio. As you select evidence, use the table as a checklist to
                                 make sure that the evidence you include in your portfolio is valid,
                                 sufficient, authentic and current.

                                 The South African Qualifications Authority describes the difference
                                 between three main types of evidence as listed in Table 1.2 below:

                                 TABLE 1.2: THREE MAIN TYPES OF EVIDENCE (SAQA Oct
                                 2001: 38 - 39)

                                    Direct evidence         Indirect Evidence      Historical Evidence

                                  •  This is actual       • This is evidence       • It is vidence of
                                    evidence produced        produced about the       what the candidate
                                    by the candidate.        candidate by a           was capable of
                                                             third party, other       doing in the past.
                                  •  This is the most        than the assessor.
                                    valid and authentic                            • It is the least
                                    evidence and          •  It can be used to        reliable, because it
                                    should be the            verify the               does not guarantee
                                    primary source of        authenticity of other    or prove current
                                    evidence.                forms of evidence.       competence.

                                  •  This is particularly  •  Witnesses must be •  It usually needs to
        Professional portfolio and workplace project - Part 1
                                    valuable if the          familiar with the        be checked for
                                    assessor works           standards required       authenticity and
                                    with the candidate       and able to              supplemented by
                                    on a daily basis.        comment                  an assessment of
                                                             authoritatively on       current
                     L                                       the candidate’s          competence.
                        E                                    performance.
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                                        Theoretical background on a professional reflective portfolio of
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